Community Badges

Board Membership

This badge is awarded to Board of Directors who championed Lionism and commitment to SHLC.

District Leadership

This badge is awarded to SHLC members involved at the District Level of Leadership.


All Full and At-Large Members receive this recognition as a symbol of their commitment to Lionism.

Board Membership

Our Euchre Fundraisers raise awareness about Lions, SHLC, and out commitment to the betterment of the community. Members who play talking about Lionism or support the evening receive recognition for their involvement.

Charity Poker

Our Charity Poker Fundraisers grow awareness in our community and provides us with financial support. Members who volunteer to work the events received recognition for their involvement.

Golf Outing

Our Golf Outing enables us to recognize Lion Tom Khligensmith for his commitment to Lionism and allows us to raise funding and awareness about Lionism  SHLC event volunteers receive this recognition for their involvement.

Candy Cane

SHLC members annually conduct Candy Cane fundraising awareness in the community in support of our charities. SHLC event volunteers receive this recognition for their involvement.

White Cane

SHLC members annually conduct White Cane fundraising awareness in the community in support of Leader Dog and our indititives to help the blind and our charities. SHLC event volunteers receive this recognition for their involvement.

Cannister Collector

SHLC members are encouraged to promote our cannister frundraisers with businesses in the community. SHLC cannister collectors and those who build new relationships receive this recognition for their involvement.

Event Planner

Community Service

This badge is awarded to SHLC Members who championed Lionism and commitment to SHLC charities and programs.

Club Service

Club Service

This badge is awarded to SHLC members involved in service at the Club level, indoor and outdoor maintenance, and service to the club members and assistance with Chapter leadership.

Hall Service

Hall Service

This badge is provided to members involved in duties directly supporting hall rentals and events such as hall manager, hall hosts, bartenders, and hall and bar stock.

Eyeglass Processor

Eyeglass Processor

Our commitment to eyecare includes repurposing used eyeglasses and unused contact lens. Our team works diligently to process and categorize the glasses locally and intrernationally.

Additionally, this team work with requests for eyewear to try to aid those in need.

Hearing Aid Proceessor

Hearing Aid Processor

Our hearing is an important part of communication. Our hearing aid processor repurposes hearing aids for individuals locally and internationally.

Additionally, this team works with requests for hearing aid assistance to try to aid those in need.

Food Distribution

Food Distribution

What is a club without food, it is the staple of every project and celebration, This team is responsible for kitchen area, stock, cleanup, and setting up and cleaning up meals and carry out containers.

Additionally, this team works with our food collection drives for the needy.

{ancake Breakfast

Pancake Breakfast

SHLC members planned and held great pancake breakfast socials with good food, eyesight testing, special celebrations, and strong interest focused on our club and the ideals of Lionism.

Ice Cream Server

Ice Cream Server

SHLC members planned and held fun activities where kids embraced the love of ice cream. One of our special events sponsored ice cream for the blind kids attending the Lions Bear Lake Camp weeklong experience. Fun is had by all in attendance, those eating and those serving ice cream, toppings, and sprinkles.

Blood Drive

Blood Drive

SHLC members coordinate with the Red Cross to hold blood drive functions at our clubhouse. We understand that blood could be the difference in life and death. We encourage our members to help and donate blood and look to our network and the community to make our numbers make a difference, one pint at a time!

Toy Drive

Toy Drive

This badge is awarded for those involved in collecting toys and items for our charities and those identified with needs in our community.  

Your work is rewarded by the amazing smiles of those that benefit from your efforts, parents and kids alike.

Christmas Drive

Christmas Drive

This badge is awarded for those involved in collecting toys and items for our charities and those identified with needs in our community especially around the holidays

Your work is rewarded by the amazing smiles of those that benefit from your efforts, parents and kids alike.

Comfort Bag Stuffing

Comfort Bag Stuffing

This badge is awarded for those involved in the Susie Q’s Kids comfort bag initiatives held monthly at the club and additional functions held throughout our community.

The comfort bags are distributed to kids in hospitals, hospice, shelters, foster care, autism centers, advocacy centers, schools, youth groups, and grief centers.

Social Media

This badge is awarded to those in our community that embrace social media as an avenue to share our success stories and our events.

Sock Challenge

This badge is awarded to those who helped collect and donate socks  for distribution to our local shelters, foster care agencies, and non-profits that support those in need.

Entrepreneur Fair

Susie Q's Kids

This badge is awarded for those who work on establishing a kids entrepreneurial fair and engage with the kids to share their expertise, find mentors to work on the fair, and successfully market and engage the community to support the program.



This badge is awarded to members trained in conducting eyesight exams and those who help with processing kids and families at our events.

Wigs for Kids

Wigs For Kids

This badge is awarded to members who help sustain the wigs for kids facilities and program through donations, volunteers hours, and program support activities.

Play Place

Play Place

This badge is awarded to members who help sustain the play place facilities and program through donations, volunteers hours, and program support activities.

Lions Bear Lake Camp

Lion Bear Lake Camp

This badge is awarded to members who volunteer their time to work around the camp, volunteering at events to support the camp, and/or participate directly with camp initiatives with the kids.

Leader Dogs

Leader Dogs

This badge is awarded to members involved in Leader Dog for the Blind programs, and events, and embraces the ideals of the Leader Dog for the Blind through volunteerism and donations.

Kids with Cancer

Kids With Cancer

This  badge is awarded to members  who comfort children experiencing cancer through their volunteer opportunities to better the cancer programs and the challenges the kids and family may be dealing with their situation.

Gift of Life

Gift Of Life

This badge is awarded to members who embrace the values of organ donation through their volunteer support of the Gift of Life program.

United Way

United Way

This badge is awarded to members who embrace the United Way programs by volunteering in programs and finding ways to help families and kids.

Silent Child Program

Silent Child Program

This badge is awarded to members who value the focus and approach of the Silent Child Program to assist families and kids with learning disabilities.

Penrickton Center for thre Blind

Penrickton Center

This badge is awarded to members engaged in volunteer opportunities to raise funding for the Penrickton Center for the Blind program to aid the families and kids in their care.

Kids with DIabetes

Kids With Disabilities

This badge  is awarded to members for their involvement in diabetes awareness and prevention programs and to aid those dealing with diabetes.

Grants and Sponsorships

Grants and Sponsorships

This badge is awarded to members who take the initiative to embrace businesses and grantors to raise funding to support our programs and charities.