About the Lions Club of Sterling Heights

Making a Difference in The Detroit Metro

The Sterling Heights Lions Club was chartered January 16, 1971 from Lions International. Our gratitude to the Fraser Lions Club for sponsoring this dedicated group. The Lions Club purchased an old farmhouse and barn on Canal Road. The club renovated the farmhouse and it was the club’s home until 1996, when the farmhouse and the barn were torn down. 

The members built a new home and garage where today we have hosted numerous fundraisers and community projects such as: building ramps for the disabled, building playground equipment for Sterling Heights school children, aided Habitat for Humanity in building a home in our district and more. 

We support school projects, Christmas bas-kets for needy residents, birthday parties for abused children, support the Visually Impaired Youth camp, contribute annually to Beaumont Silent Children’s Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Madonna University Hear-ing Fund, Lions Quest, Project Kidsight, and Visually Impaired at Haitema Elementary. In 1981, the Lions sponsored the Sterling Heights Lioness Club. Other community services include Bear Lake Youth Camp, Leader Dogs for the Blind, Michigan Eye Bank and Welcome Home Residential Services. 

We also accept and donate thousands of used eyeglasses for use throughout the world; we help the Polish Veterans Home, Macomb County Fire Fighters Assn., Parkin-son’s Foundation, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Military Veterans, Breast Cancer and hold Red Cross Blood Drives.

Our Purpose

1. To create and foster a spirit of “generous consideration” among the peoples of the world through a study of the problems of international relationship.
2. To promote the theory and practice of the principles of good government and good citizenship.
3. To take an active interest in the civic, social and moral welfare of the community.
4. To unite the members in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding.
5. To provide a forum for the full and free discussion of all matters of public interest. Partisan politics and sectarian religion alone are excluded.
6. To encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in business and professions. Provide that this club shall not hold out as one of its objects financial benefits to its members.

Making a Difference in The Detroit Metro

The Sterling Heights Lions Club was chartered January 16, 1971 from Lions International. Our gratitude to the Fraser Lions Club for sponsoring this dedicated group. The Lions Club purchased an old farmhouse and barn on Canal Road. The club renovated the farmhouse and it was the club’s home until 1996, when the farmhouse and the barn were torn down. The members built a new home and garage where today we have hosted numerous fundraisers and community projects such as: building ramps for the disabled, building playground equipment for Sterling Heights school children, aided Habitat for Humanity in building a home in our district and more. We support school projects, Christmas bas-kets for needy residents, birthday parties for abused children, support the Visually Impaired Youth camp, contribute annually to Beaumont Silent Children’s Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Madonna University Hear-ing Fund, Lions Quest, Project Kidsight, and Visually Impaired at Haitema Elementary. In 1981, the Lions sponsored the Sterling Heights Lioness Club. Other community services include Bear Lake Youth Camp, Leader Dogs for the Blind, Michigan Eye Bank and Welcome Home Residential Services. We also accept and donate thousands of used eyeglasses for use throughout the world; we help the Polish Veterans Home, Macomb County Fire Fighters Assn., Parkin-son’s Foundation, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Military Veterans, Breast Cancer and hold Red Cross Blood Drives.

2025 Benefit Golf Event

saturday, september 13, 2025