Lions Bear Lake Tour
Lions Bear Lake Camp 3409 5 Lakes Rd,, Lapeer, MITake a tour of the Lions Bear Lake Camp Meet the staff 810-245-0726 BEAR LAKE OPEN HOUSE
Take a tour of the Lions Bear Lake Camp Meet the staff 810-245-0726 BEAR LAKE OPEN HOUSE
Lions Basil and Judy Welsh chair the Panera Bread End of Day Dough Nation The assembled and cater the morning event for the Seniors at Warren Stillwell and Joseph Coach complexs A hardy thank you to Panera Bread, Lions Basil and Judy, and the wonderful crew who take advantage of this generous weekly contribution.
Lions International Convention Boston District governor Kelley Unruh will be in attendance
Susie Q's Kids has their monthly bag stuffing at the Sterling Heights Lions Club at 6 PM We assembled comfort bags for kids in need in our community on the second Monday of each month Volunteers are welcome to stop and learn about Susie Q's Kids, the nonprofit that will receive the comfort bags, and […]
Lions Basil and Judy Welsh chair the Panera Bread End of Day Dough Nation The assembled and cater the morning event for the Seniors at Warren Stillwell and Joseph Coach complexs A hardy thank you to Panera Bread, Lions Basil and Judy, and the wonderful crew who take advantage of this generous weekly contribution.
Come join the Sterling Heights Lioness Lions Club for fun, food, and the latest updates on what is happening and our work in the community! (2nd Tuesday of each month)
We engage with organizations in the community and have a speaker share their program and how we might help Stay tuned for this week's speaker Repeats on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month 6/28/2023 Grace Centers of Hope and Sterling Heights Award discussion 7/12/20243 […]
Exciting news. We will be trained on the new Retinopathy vision camera to raise awareness of Diabetes and detect potential issues needing further analysis and care, Training starts at 9 am at the club. Free screenings will be offered from 12-4, tell your friends to stop in.